Develop your own smart contracts, digital assets, and applications to deploy on the Zen network.
Query and interact with the Zen Network via API end points available via the full Zen Node.
DevelopersFinancial System
Eliminate dependence on third parties, and reclaim ownership of assets - enabling more efficient markets, with less red tape, and lower fees.
A new network specialized for finance allows us to own our assets cryptographically, and enforces contractual obligations reliably and securely, through smart contracts.

Smart contracts enforce agreements and hold funds in escrow. Our advanced and powerful language makes it possible to write secure contracts with provable behaviour. Zen contracts are much more efficient, resulting in lower application costs, and superior throughput.
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Use tokens to represent valuable rights. Contracts can understand any token – connect them with oracles to create new, automatically hedged asset types.
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Oracles make contracts meaningful and useful by connecting them to events that happen in the real world. Zen’s oracles are efficient, profitable, and highly scalable.
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how we’re applying fv techniques to improve efficiency & throughput
Restricts the kind of programs that users can write, so that program size can be used as a measure of resource usage. Many useful programs cannot be expressed in Bitcoin scripts.
Ethereum - Gas Model
Tracks resource usage during runtime, using 'gas' as an abstract measure of resource consumption. Accounting for 'gas' makes up around 60% of resources usage. Contracts fail if they run out of gas.
Zen Protocol - Resource Verification
Smart contracts come with resource usage proofs, which can be checked quickly and efficiently. There is no need to track resource usage at runtime. This means that contracts can be compiled for efficient execution. Zen contracts can run at bare-metal speeds, enabling superior throughput.

Resource bounds
No more gas limits. Contracts in Zen Protocol can prove how long they take to run in advance, a process called 'Resource Verification'.
Proven resource bounds let miners accept and charge for any transaction which uses a contract, without suffering the risk of a denial of service attack. Additionally, resource bounds enable significant network optimization: contracts can be compiled to .NET bytecode at the moment they're created, making execution far faster than in an interpreted scripting language.

Active Contract Set
Zen maintains an 'Active Contract Set' - only 'Active' contracts can be used. Contracts can always be re-activated by anyone. This reduces the burden on nodes and prevents old contracts from wasting nodes' resources.
Zen contracts do not share state with one another, which improves security, and also means that contracts can be executed in parallel. Contracts communicate with other contracts by creating transactions.
Zen’s merged consensus with Bitcoin gives smart contracts secure, always-on access to any transaction in Bitcoin’s blockchain. Zen lets you turn any smart contract into a Bitcoin smart contract.
The Zen Protocol rewards miners for including Bitcoin block headers. Zen nodes watch the Bitcoin network and reach consensus on which blocks are in Bitcoin’s longest valid chain. Zen can also be merge-mined with Bitcoin—which makes Zen’s consensus about Bitcoin even stronger.
Explore Zen Protocol in Depth