Zen Protocol Wallet
Our reference client contains everything you need to join the Zen community
- A Graphical User Interface makes ZP easy to use.
- Connect to a local headless node or a remote node.
- Create and interact with Smart Contracts.

Zen Block Explorer
Easily search the ZP blockchain to get any recorded data you need
- View network statistics and indicators.
- Observe transaction confirmations and contract executions.
- Browse the active contract set.
- Follow and review Zen Protocol community governance.

Zen Dex
A Decentralized Exchange that allows you to make or take orders
- A Graphical User Interface makes the DEX contract easy to use.
- Intermediates exchange of assets through a smart-contract.
- No 3rd party intermediary - all trades are verified by the contract.
- Learn more

Zen FP
A tool to help token holders to interact with the FP contract and assets
- Execute the FP contract using Issue, Redeem and Cancel command.
- Retrieve and verify the event information of a position asset.
- Learn more

Zen Oracle
Commitments of the EOD prices
- Make your contracts aware of external events.
- Zen Oracle: Data source intrinio.
- Become an oracle provider using our easy deployment guide.
- Learn more
Block Allocation and
Common Goods Pool
- Every 10,000 blocks token holders determine how the block reward will be split between miners and the common goods pool.
- Assuming the outcome of a vote is 60% of the block reward goes to miners, and 40% goes to the CGP, then for a block to be valid it’s Coinbase Transaction must pay 20 ZP to the CgpContract.
- In each interval the proportion of coins which go to miners can move a maximum of 15%, thus providing an assurance to the miner’s future expected income.
- Every 10,000 blocks token holders determine who will receive the PayoutTransaction.
- Exactly one PayoutTransaction occurs per interval / 10,000 blocks.
- A Payout Transaction can distribute, up to 100 different, assets from the CGP to a recipient (which can be a user or a contract).
- To view past or on going results please visit the Block Explorer.
- To cast your vote please use the Zen Protocol wallet.

Community Governance
Protocol development is managed by token holders, by participating in semi-annual coin votes, which determine protocol upgrades
- The protocol is held under a proprietary open source license which is designed to force coin holders to reach consensus, rather than bifurcate the network.
- To view past or on going results please visit the Block Explorer.
- To cast your vote please use the Zen Protocol wallet.